====================== GENERAL INFO ==============================
Title Screen:
One Player Game: Cmd + 1
Two Player Game: Cmd + 2
Konfiguration: Cmd + K
Quit: Cmd + Q
During VS Screen:
To control the vs screen kode boxes
boxes 1-3
are controlled by Player 1 with (back/down/forward) keys
boxes 4-6
are controlled by Player 2 with (back/down/forward) keys
Note: if you hold up when you hit the keys, the pictures will go in reverse order
Example Kode: 1-2-3 1-2-3 (or UP+(9-8-7) UP+(9-8-7)
This is equivalent to -> Player1 hits Back once, Down twice, Forward three times;
and Player 2 does the same.
During A Match or Selection Screen:
Abort: Cmd + Q
Other Misc Info:
Note that the Punch and Kick keys do nothing by themselves. I just called them that so people could try and figure out the moves becuase they are similar to those in Mortal Kombat.
For example: Shang Tsung's fireball is B,B,Punch (using the default key settings, this would be -> a,a,1)
==================== GAME PLAY INFO =================================
A few notes about the gameplay....
The paddles can move vertically as well as horizontally. Paddles can also move up/down with additional speed using the RUN key (up/down + RUN) as long as your run meter is not empty (the green bar below the energy bar).
Build your super meter up with attacks. When it is full you can activate your Super which will enable your paddle to do strange things to the ball.
===================== REGISTRATION INFO =============================
Donate $5 and I'll send you the registration kode which will enable additional paddles and sekrets (There are 16 paddles in the game).
IMPORTANT: you must include the serial number which is located on the right hand side of the title screen.
Send a SASE (unless you include your email address) to:
Brandon Kuroda
580 San Marino Dr.
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
In the past I've received registration requests but was unable to contact certain people for various reasons (invalid email address; no return address; etc) so please make sure you write a valid address legibly.